Welcome to SAVTEC the South African Federation of Vintage Tractors and Engine Clubs.
On 22 April 1988 The Vintage Tractors and Engine Clubs were formed in Pietermaritzburg by a group of enthusiastic men from Natal Province. Their names were Nic March (Chairman), Peter Hull, Trevor Lewis, Frans Buys, Bob Wilson, and Stewart Campbell. They all had the same goal: the preservation and furthering of Vintage Tractors.
The first AGM was held at Bloemfontein on the 10th of June 1989. From the onset, the movement grew across the length and breadth of South Africa. At the 1993 Annual General Meeting, the name was changed to the Vintage Tractor and Engine Club of South Africa to incorporate engines as well. The face of the club gradually changed as provincial area clubs were formed but all remained affiliated with the Vintage Tractor and Engine Club of South Africa.
Affiliation fees, based on individual club membership numbers, are payable to the Vintage Tractor and Engine Club of South Africa to cover the day-to-day running costs of the club.
At a special AGM held at Clocolan on the 3rd March 2000, The Club was changed to a Federation, namely the South African Federation of Vintage Tractor and Engine Clubs known as SAVTEC. The first Chairman was Nic Vallentgoed. Each club would be allowed 2 representatives with one vote per Club.
Vintage Tractors and Engine Clubs’ aims are still the preservation of working agricultural tractors, engines, and machinery as well as pickups and trucks, and to coordinate the activities of all the affiliates.
Baie welkom by SAVTEK – die Suid-Afrikaanse Federasie van Veteraan-trekker-en-enjinklubs.
Op hierdie webblad probeer ons so goed as moontlik die organisasie en sy lidklubs bekendstel.
In April 1988 is die Veteraan-trekkerklub van Suid-Afrika deur ‘n groep Natallers in Pietermaritzburg gestig. Hulle was Nic March (voorsitter), Peter Hull, Trevor Lewis, Frans Buys, Bob Wilson en Steward Campbell. Soos die naam van die organisasie aandui, was hul enigste doel die versamel van, en die bevordering van die saak van veteraan-trekkers.
Die idee het baie vinnig oor die hele Suid-Afrika posgevat. Op 10 Junie 1989 is die eerste algemene jaarvergadering by Golden Gate in die Vrystaat gehou.
Teen 1993 was die betrokkenheid van die “enjinmanne” al so groot dat ‘n besluit op die algemene jaarvergadering geneem is om die naam van die organisasie te verander na die Veteraan-trekker-en-enjinklub van Suid-Afrika.
Mettertyd is klubs ook oral in Suid-Afrika gestig, maar het as takke van die “moederklub” gefunksioneer.
In die jaar 2000 het die laaste verandering ingetree toe die oorspronklike klub met sy takke op ’n vergadering in Bloemfontein omvorm is in die Suid-Afrikaanse Federasie van Veteraan-trekker-en-enjinklubs (Vintage Tractors and Engine Clubs) waar die selfstandige klubs oor bepaalde sake saamwerk sonder om hul karakter en individualiteit in te boet.
SAVTEK se eerste voorsitter was Nic Vallentgoed. Die bewaringsaktiwiteite is ook uitgebrei om plaasimplemente, bakkies en lorries in te sluit.